Oct 12 2011

‘My Guide’ feature added to Android Good Beer Guide App

A free update to the Android version of The Campaign For Real Ale (CAMRA) Good Beer Guide 2012 has been released today.

This version includes a new feature called ‘My Guide’ which contains “My Favourites”, “My Visited”, “My Comments” and “My Recent Searches” together in one place making it easier to find your own reviews and which pubs you have already visited.

Other changes include corrections to locations of some pubs and various bug fixes.

You can update the app to version 2.1.3 for free using the Android Market app on your phone.

A similar update with this feature will be added to the iPhone soon.

Android My Guide ScreenAndroid My Visits Screenshot

Sep 13 2010

Android version of CAMRA Good Beer Guide launched

The long awaited version of the CAMRA Good Beer Guide is now available for Android phones on the Android Market. Using the Market application on your phone search for ‘CAMRA’ and you should find it, or visit m.camra.org.uk on your phone.

It costs £4.99 (£4.25 + VAT). The Android store lets you try it out for 24 hours with a full refund if you choose not to keep it.

From 16th September 2010 it will include all the pubs and breweries from the Good Beer Guide 2011 edition to coincide with the publication of the CAMRA book. Until then it uses the Good Beer Guide 2010, but will automatically update on 16th.